Free Bible Study Guides

3 Bible Tips

The "3 Bible Tips" items are designed to be a quick ministudy when you are in a hurry. Three quick points and the scriptures are right there for you to read and think about.

You can also study the subject further, using the provided link to a relevant article. The article usually will have additional scriptures, or you can find more scriptures on the subject by using a printed concordance or topical Bible or doing an online Bible search (for example at


More 3 Bible Tips...

End Time


The Elect














Children of God

Body of Christ





Anger—Righteous and Unrighteous

Rekindling the Romance

Before You Say I Do

Being a Good Friend

Making Friends

Harvests and God's Vast Eternal Plan

Happy Endings

What Is "The Way"?


Christ, Mediator of the New Covenant

Your Attention, Please!

Christian Festivals

The Blood Speaks

The Anointed One

The Abomination of Desolation

The Beatitudes - Persecuted for Righteousness' Sake

The Beatitudes - Peacemakers

The Beatitudes - Pure in Heart

The Beatitudes - Merciful

The Beatitudes - Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

The Beatitudes - Meek

The Beatitudes - Those Who Mourn

The Beatitudes - Poor in Spirit

The Tenth Commandment

The Ninth Commandment

The Eighth Commandment

The Seventh Commandment

The Sixth Commandment

The Fifth Commandment

The Fourth Commandment

The Third Commandment

The Second Commandment

The First Commandment

Are You a Saint?

What Must I Do?

Why Be Baptized?

Rahab the Harlot

Jesus Is Coming—What Should We Do?

Be Content


The Narrow Gate

The Broad Way


Lucifer, the Cherub Who Rebelled and Became Satan

The Archangel Michael


Angels, Messengers of God

The Eighth Day or Last Great Day

The Significance of Tabernacles

What the Day of Atonement Foreshadows


Feast of Trumpets Pictures End-Time Events

Intercessory Prayer


Focus on Learning

Not Ashamed

How to Pray "Your Kingdom Come"

How to Make Your Marriage Last

"Here Am I! Send Me"


When the Enemy Repents

How to Fellowship

Where and When Should We Fellowship?

Who Do We Fellowship With? (The Fellowship of the King)

Why Fellowship?

What Is Fellowship?


The End of Destruction

King of Kings

Lessons From Laodicea

Lessons From Philadelphia—Remain Faithful

Lessons From Sardis—Remain Spiritually Alert

Lessons From Pergamos and Thyatira—Don't Compromise

Lessons From Smyrna—Endure Persecution

Lessons From Ephesus—Recapture Your First Love

For Better Sex

The New Jerusalem

Jerusalem's Future Role

Warnings for Jerusalem

God's Love for Jerusalem

The Day of the Lord

Heavenly Signs

The Great Tribulation

Godly Grandparenting

Godly Character


Where Does Life Come From?

Honoring Fathers on Father's Day and Always

Being a Better Father

Assembly Required

Serving God in Silence

People Praising Passionately

For Summer Vacation

Taste and See

Alpha and Omega

How Should We Respond to God's Calling?

God's Gifts for Graduates

Who Is God Calling?

God's Calling

What's the Cause and Cure of Spiritual Blindness?

A Way That Seems Right


Some Reasons Jesus Christ Is Coming Again

Wrong Ways to Approach Christ's Second Coming

The Prince of Peace

The Feast of Pentecost

The Millennium

Be Fruitful-for God and for Others

To Produce Fruit, Eradicate the Weeds

The Fruit of Self-Control and Self-Discipline


The Fruit of Meekness and Gentleness

The Fruit of Faith and Faithfulness

The Problem With Pride

The Fruit of Goodness—Do Good, Be Good

The Fruit of Kindness-Caring for One Another

The Fruit of Longsuffering-Patience and Power

The Fruit of Peace in Hearts and Relationships

The Power of Encouragement

Dealing With the Daily Grind

Joy—Our Joyful God Enables Us to Be Joyful!

Love—The Most Important Fruit of God's Spirit

Our Daily "Exercise"

Is Your Name in God's Book?

What Is God's Holy Spirit?

Jesus Commanded That We "Bear Much Fruit"

What Does God Remember About Us?

Being Watchful

How Should We Face the Future?

Why God Hates Sin

How Is Sin Like Leaven?

The Significance of the Red Sea Crossing

The Sign of the Prophet Jonah

Avoiding Gossip


Miracles of Bread

Dealing With Difficult People

What Does Hosanna Mean?

Avoiding the Mark of the Beast

Beware the Leaven of the Pharisees

Delighting in God's Sabbath

God's Grace and Favor in the Old Testament

Pleasing God

How Do We Seek God's Grace?

Pursuing Peace

What Is Grace?

Why Was I Born?

How to Live the Way of Give

The Lamb of God

Why Choose the Way of Give?

The Feast of Unleavened Bread

Avoid Materialism

The New Testament Passover

Avoiding the Way of Get

The Power and Blessings of Music

Being a Better Wife

Being a Better Husband

Lessons From Esther


The Return of Christ as King


Following Jesus Christ

Dealing With Fear

Strong Pillars


Growing Good Fruit

Getting the Most Out of a Sermon

Dealing With Worry

Godly Priorities/Time Management

God's Mysteries, Part 3

Hastening Forward to the Kingdom of God

God's Mysteries, Part 2

God's Mysteries, Part 1

Sighing and Crying

"I Can't Get It Out of My Head"

Working Together to Do God's Work

Avoiding Strife

When Resistance (Seems) Futile

Dealing With Temptation

Welcome to the Kingdom!

Growing in Unity

Being a Light

Hope in a Hopeless World

Christian Transformation

Avoiding Pornography and Lust

Being a Disciple of Jesus Christ

Godly Followers

Godly Leaders

Spiritual Evaluation



Preaching the Gospel