Bible Study Guides Series
Series 1 - The Bible and You: Practical Answers—Real Hope
These hands-on, introductory lessons cover practical issues that are relevant to your life now, and that give solid hope for your future.
Lesson 1: How Can the Bible Help Me?
Lesson 2: How Can I Find Things in the Bible?
Lesson 3: What Happens After Death?
Lesson 4: Why Does God Allow People to Suffer?
Lesson 5: A Real King Who Will Return to Rescue Humanity
Lesson 6: God's Law of Love: Making Life Work
Lesson 7: Train Now to Help Christ Rule
Lesson 8: The Earth: Real Utopia Is Coming!
Lesson 9: The Answer to Your Prayers
Lesson 10: What Is God's Will for Me?
Series 2 - Bible Answers for...
These lessons will give biblical answers to a wide variety of practical questions about how to live a Christian life in the modern world. Relationships, communications, finances, addictions and challenges of all types will be answered from the sure and practical wisdom of the Word of God.
A Healthful, Smoke-Free Life
Coping With Loneliness
Coping With Stress
Dealing With the Death of a Loved One
Dealing With Difficult People
Dealing With Depression
Dealing With Health Problems
Dealing With Money Problems
Dealing With Unemployment
Dealing With Worry
Eating Disorders
Gambling—Why It's Wrong and How to Stop
Getting Along With People
How to Be a Good Neighbor
How to Help and Encourage Someone With a Health Problem
Job Satisfaction and the Value of Work
Keys to a Happy Marriage
to Good Communication
for Marriage: Before You Say "I Do"
Self-Injury—Understanding and Overcoming It
Understanding and Overcoming Substance Abuse
Series 3 - The Great Teachings of the Bible and What They Mean for You
These lessons will deal with a variety of vital truths God has revealed in the Bible to benefit you. Understanding prophecy, the Ten Commandments, the benefits of having God's Spirit, the tools for spiritual growth, the spiritual armor of God and other fundamental teachings of the Bible will be covered.
Armor of God Series
Lesson 1: Taking
Up the Whole Armor of God
Lesson 2: The
Belt of Truth
Lesson 3: The
Breastplate of Righteousness
Lesson 4: The
Shoes of the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace
Lesson 5: The
Shield of Faith
Lesson 6: Helmet
of Salvation
Lesson 7: The
Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God
Lesson 8: The
Power of Prayer and Supplication in the Spirit
Lesson 9: The
Cloak of Zeal
Bible Prophecy and You Series
Lesson 1: Are
We Living in the "Time of the End"?
Lesson 2: The
Deluge of False Predictions—How to Separate Truth From Counterfeits
Lesson 3: The
Valuable Benefits and Purposes of Bible Prophecy!
Lesson 4: How
You Can Correctly Understand God's Prophecies and Promises!
Lesson 5: Some
Amazing Examples of Prophecies Already Fulfilled!
Lesson 6: Christ's
First Coming—Prophesied in Detail
Lesson 7: Jesus
Christ—The Greatest Prophet
Lesson 8: Christ's
Promised Second Coming—Climactic Solution to Mankind's Problems!
Lesson 9: Where
Are the United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy?
Lesson 10: Focus
on the Middle East
Lesson 11: The
Great Tribulation
Lesson 12: The
Beast, the False Prophet and the Antichrist
Lesson 13: Armageddon
and the Day of the Lord
Lesson 14: The
Millennium and Peace on Earth!
Lesson 15: The
Second Resurrection: Humanity's Opportunity for Salvation!
Lesson 16: A
Glimpse Into Your Eternal Future
Exploring the Bible
Lesson 1: The
Law and You (the Torah or Pentateuch)
Lesson 2: The
Former Prophets
Lesson 3: The
Major Prophets and You
Lesson 4: The
Minor Prophets and You
Lesson 5: The
Writings and You
Lesson 6: The
Gospels and You
Lesson 7: The
Book of Acts and You
Lesson 8: The
Epistles of Paul and You
Lesson 9: The
General Epistles and You
Lesson 10: The
Book of Revelation and You
Getting to Really Know God...
Lesson 1: How
Does God Identify Himself in the Bible?
Lesson 2: The
God Revealed in the Old Testament Was the One Who Became Jesus Christ!
Lesson 3: Understanding
Genesis 1 and 2 and God's Work of Creation
Lesson 4: Crucial
Lessons From Knowing God Is Our Creator
Lesson 5: The
Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ
Lesson 6: How
to Build a Close Relationship With God
Series 4 - God's Plan for You and the Entire World
This series will look at God's master plan that offers human beings the opportunity for eternal life! We will look at it through the lens of God's festivals and Holy Days and their profound meaning. These often-neglected biblical festivals can help unlock what Jesus called the "mystery of the kingdom of God."
Lesson 1: The
Festivals of the Old and New Testaments
Lesson 2: The
Sabbath: Remembering Creation and Looking Forward to the Promised
Future Rest
Lesson 3: Christ,
Our Passover: The Beginning of God's Master Plan
Lesson 4: Feast
of Unleavened Bread: Our Part in God's Master Plan
Lesson 5: Feast
of Pentecost: "Firstfruits" Called Now
Lesson 6: Feast
of Trumpets: War and Rescue
Lesson 7: Atonement:
Satan Bound, Humanity Freed!
Lesson 8: Feast
of Tabernacles: Picturing the Millennium of Peace
Lesson 9: Last
Great Day: Hope for All Who Have Ever Lived
Lesson 10: How
to Celebrate God's Festivals Today
Series 5 - What God Wants for You
God offers blessings now and a future beyond your wildest dreams! The Bible gives a road map of specific steps we should take in making that personal transformation. This series will look at the biblical answer the question, "What must I do to be saved?"
Lesson 1: Is
God Calling You?
Lesson 2: What
Is Faith?
Lesson 3: Repentance—A
Permanent Change of Direction
Lesson 4: Should
You Be Baptized?
Lesson 5: How
to Receive God's Holy Spirit
Lesson 6: Growing
in God's Grace and Knowledge
Lesson 7: Eternal
Life as God's Sons and Daughters!